cardano_clusterlib package


cardano_clusterlib.address_group module

Group of methods for working with payment addresses.

class cardano_clusterlib.address_group.AddressGroup(clusterlib_obj: types.ClusterLib)[source]

Bases: object

gen_payment_addr(addr_name: str, payment_vkey: Optional[str] = None, payment_vkey_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, payment_script_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, stake_vkey: Optional[str] = None, stake_vkey_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, stake_script_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, stake_address: Optional[str] = None, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') str[source]

Generate a payment address, with optional delegation to a stake address.

  • addr_name – A name of payment address.

  • payment_vkey – A vkey file (Bech32, optional).

  • payment_vkey_file – A path to corresponding vkey file (optional).

  • payment_script_file – A path to corresponding payment script file (optional).

  • stake_vkey – A stake vkey file (optional).

  • stake_vkey_file – A path to corresponding stake vkey file (optional).

  • stake_script_file – A path to corresponding stake script file (optional).

  • stake_address – A stake address (Bech32, optional).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A generated payment address.

Return type


gen_payment_addr_and_keys(name: str, stake_vkey_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, stake_script_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') cardano_clusterlib.structs.AddressRecord[source]

Generate payment address and key pair.

  • name – A name of the address and key pair.

  • stake_vkey_file – A path to corresponding stake vkey file (optional).

  • stake_script_file – A path to corresponding payment script file (optional).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A tuple containing the address and key pair / script file.

Return type


gen_payment_key_pair(key_name: str, extended: bool = False, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') cardano_clusterlib.structs.KeyPair[source]

Generate an address key pair.

  • key_name – A name of the key pair.

  • extended – A bool indicating whether to generate extended ed25519 Shelley-era key (False by default).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A tuple containing the key pair.

Return type


gen_script_addr(addr_name: str, script_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') str[source]

Generate a script address.

  • addr_name – A name of payment address.

  • script_file – A path to corresponding script file.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A generated script address.

Return type


get_address_info(address: str) cardano_clusterlib.structs.AddressInfo[source]

Get information about an address.


address – A Cardano address.


A tuple containing address info.

Return type


get_payment_vkey_hash(payment_vkey_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, payment_vkey: Optional[str] = None) str[source]

Return the hash of an address key.

  • payment_vkey_file – A path to payment vkey file (optional).

  • payment_vkey – A payment vkey, (Bech32, optional).


A generated hash.

Return type


cardano_clusterlib.clusterlib module

Legacy top-level module.

Import everything that used to be available here for backwards compatibility.

cardano_clusterlib.clusterlib_helpers module

Helper functions for ClusterLib.

class cardano_clusterlib.clusterlib_helpers.EpochInfo(epoch, first_slot, last_slot)[source]

Bases: tuple

epoch: int[source]

Alias for field number 0

first_slot: int[source]

Alias for field number 1

last_slot: int[source]

Alias for field number 2

cardano_clusterlib.clusterlib_helpers.get_epoch_for_slot(cluster_obj: types.ClusterLib, slot_no: int) cardano_clusterlib.clusterlib_helpers.EpochInfo[source]

Given slot number, return corresponding epoch number and first and last slot of the epoch.

cardano_clusterlib.clusterlib_helpers.wait_for_block(clusterlib_obj: types.ClusterLib, tip: Dict[str, Any], block_no: int) int[source]

Wait for block number.

  • clusterlib_obj – An instance of ClusterLib.

  • tip – Current tip - last block successfully applied to the ledger.

  • block_no – A block number to wait for.


A block number of last added block.

Return type


cardano_clusterlib.clusterlib_klass module

Wrapper for cardano-cli for working with cardano cluster.

class cardano_clusterlib.clusterlib_klass.ClusterLib(state_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path], protocol: str = 'cardano', tx_era: str = '', slots_offset: int = 0, socket_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '')[source]

Bases: object

Methods for working with cardano cluster using cardano-cli..


A directory with cluster state files (keys, config files, logs, …).


A cluster protocol - full cardano mode by default.


An era used for transactions, by default same as network Era.


Difference in slots between cluster’s start era and current era (e.g. Byron->Mary)


A path to socket file for communication with the node. This overrides the CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH environment variable.

cli(cli_args: List[str], timeout: Optional[float] = None) cardano_clusterlib.structs.CLIOut[source]

Run the cardano-cli command.

  • cli_args – A list of arguments for cardano-cli.

  • timeout – A timeout for the command, in seconds (optional).


A tuple containing command stdout and stderr.

Return type


create_pparams_file() None[source]

Create protocol parameters file if it doesn’t exist.

property g_address: cardano_clusterlib.address_group.AddressGroup[source]

Address group.

property g_genesis: cardano_clusterlib.genesis_group.GenesisGroup[source]

Genesis group.

property g_governance: cardano_clusterlib.governance_group.GovernanceGroup[source]

Governance group.

property g_key: cardano_clusterlib.key_group.KeyGroup[source]

Key group.

property g_node: cardano_clusterlib.node_group.NodeGroup[source]

Node group.

property g_query: cardano_clusterlib.query_group.QueryGroup[source]

Query group.

property g_stake_address: cardano_clusterlib.stake_address_group.StakeAddressGroup[source]

Stake address group.

property g_stake_pool: cardano_clusterlib.stake_pool_group.StakePoolGroup[source]

Stake pool group.

property g_transaction: cardano_clusterlib.transaction_group.TransactionGroup[source]

Transaction group.

poll_new_epoch(exp_epoch: int, padding_seconds: int = 0) None[source]

Wait for new epoch(s) by polling current epoch every 3 sec.

Can be used only for waiting up to 3000 sec + padding seconds.

  • exp_epoch – An epoch number to wait for.

  • padding_seconds – A number of additional seconds to wait for (optional).

refresh_pparams_file() None[source]

Refresh protocol parameters file.

set_socket_path(socket_path: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]]) None[source]

Set a path to socket file for communication with the node.

time_from_epoch_start(tip: Optional[dict] = None) float[source]

How many seconds passed from start of the current epoch.

time_to_epoch_end(tip: Optional[dict] = None) float[source]

How many seconds to go to start of a new epoch.

wait_for_block(block: int) int[source]

Wait for block number.


block – A block number to wait for.


A block number of last added block.

Return type


wait_for_new_block(new_blocks: int = 1) int[source]

Wait for new block(s) to be created.


new_blocks – A number of new blocks to wait for (optional).


A block number of last added block.

Return type


wait_for_new_epoch(new_epochs: int = 1, padding_seconds: int = 0) int[source]

Wait for new epoch(s).

  • new_epochs – A number of new epochs to wait for (optional).

  • padding_seconds – A number of additional seconds to wait for (optional).


The current epoch.

Return type


wait_for_slot(slot: int) int[source]

Wait for slot number.


slot – A slot number to wait for.


A slot number of last block.

Return type


cardano_clusterlib.consts module

class cardano_clusterlib.consts.Eras[source]

Bases: object

ALLEGRA = 'allegra'[source]
ALONZO = 'alonzo'[source]
MARY = 'mary'[source]
SHELLEY = 'shelley'[source]
class cardano_clusterlib.consts.MultiSigTypeArgs[source]

Bases: object

ALL = 'all'[source]
ANY = 'any'[source]
AT_LEAST = 'atLeast'[source]
class cardano_clusterlib.consts.MultiSlotTypeArgs[source]

Bases: object

AFTER = 'after'[source]
BEFORE = 'before'[source]
class cardano_clusterlib.consts.Protocols[source]

Bases: object

CARDANO = 'cardano'[source]
SHELLEY = 'shelley'[source]
class cardano_clusterlib.consts.ScriptTypes[source]

Bases: object

PLUTUS_V1 = 'plutus_v1'[source]
PLUTUS_V2 = 'plutus_v2'[source]
SIMPLE_V1 = 'simple_v1'[source]
SIMPLE_V2 = 'simple_v2'[source]

cardano_clusterlib.coverage module

cardano_clusterlib.coverage.record_cli_coverage(cli_args: List[str], coverage_dict: dict) None[source]

Record coverage info for CLI commands.

  • cli_args – A list of command and it’s arguments.

  • coverage_dict – A dictionary with coverage info.

cardano_clusterlib.exceptions module

exception cardano_clusterlib.exceptions.CLIError[source]

Bases: Exception

cardano_clusterlib.genesis_group module

Group of methods related to genesis block.

class cardano_clusterlib.genesis_group.GenesisGroup(clusterlib_obj: types.ClusterLib)[source]

Bases: object

gen_genesis_addr(addr_name: str, vkey_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') str[source]

Generate the address for an initial UTxO based on the verification key.

  • addr_name – A name of genesis address.

  • vkey_file – A path to corresponding vkey file.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A generated genesis address.

Return type


property genesis_keys: cardano_clusterlib.structs.GenesisKeys[source]

Return tuple with genesis-related keys.

property genesis_utxo_addr: str[source]

Produce a genesis UTxO address.

get_genesis_vkey_hash(vkey_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) str[source]

Return the hash of a genesis public key.


vkey_file – A path to corresponding vkey file.


A generated key-hash.

Return type


cardano_clusterlib.governance_group module

Group of methods for governance.

class cardano_clusterlib.governance_group.GovernanceGroup(clusterlib_obj: types.ClusterLib)[source]

Bases: object

gen_mir_cert_stake_addr(stake_addr: str, reward: int, tx_name: str, use_treasury: bool = False, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') pathlib.Path[source]

Create an MIR certificate to pay stake addresses.

  • stake_addr – A stake address string.

  • reward – An amount of Lovelace to transfer.

  • tx_name – A name of the transaction.

  • use_treasury – A bool indicating whether to use treasury or reserves (default).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A path to the MIR certificate file.

Return type


gen_mir_cert_to_rewards(transfer: int, tx_name: str, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') pathlib.Path[source]

Create an MIR certificate to transfer from the treasury pot to the reserves pot.

  • transfer – An amount of Lovelace to transfer.

  • tx_name – A name of the transaction.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A path to the MIR certificate file.

Return type


gen_mir_cert_to_treasury(transfer: int, tx_name: str, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') pathlib.Path[source]

Create an MIR certificate to transfer from the reserves pot to the treasury pot.

  • transfer – An amount of Lovelace to transfer.

  • tx_name – A name of the transaction.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A path to the MIR certificate file.

Return type


gen_update_proposal(cli_args: Union[list, tuple, set, frozenset], epoch: int, tx_name: str, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') pathlib.Path[source]

Create an update proposal.

  • cli_args – A list (iterable) of CLI arguments.

  • epoch – An epoch where the update proposal will take effect.

  • tx_name – A name of the transaction.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A path to the update proposal file.

Return type


submit_update_proposal(cli_args: Union[list, tuple, set, frozenset], src_address: str, src_skey_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], tx_name: str, epoch: Optional[int] = None, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxRawOutput[source]

Submit an update proposal.

  • cli_args – A list (iterable) of CLI arguments.

  • src_address – An address used for fee and inputs.

  • src_skey_file – A path to skey file corresponding to the src_address.

  • tx_name – A name of the transaction.

  • epoch – An epoch where the update proposal will take effect (optional).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A tuple with transaction output details.

Return type


cardano_clusterlib.helpers module

cardano_clusterlib.helpers.get_rand_str(length: int = 8) str[source]

Return random ASCII lowercase string.

cardano_clusterlib.helpers.read_address_from_file(addr_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) str[source]

Read address stored in file.

cardano_clusterlib.key_group module

Group of methods for working with key commands.

class cardano_clusterlib.key_group.KeyGroup(clusterlib_obj: types.ClusterLib)[source]

Bases: object

gen_non_extended_verification_key(key_name: str, extended_verification_key_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') pathlib.Path[source]

Generate a non-extended key from a verification key.

  • key_name – A name of the key.

  • extended_verification_key_file – A path to the extended verification key file.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A path to the generated non-extended verification key file.

Return type


gen_verification_key(key_name: str, signing_key_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') pathlib.Path[source]

Generate a verification file from a signing key.

  • key_name – A name of the key.

  • signing_key_file – A path to signing key file.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A path to the generated verification key file.

Return type


cardano_clusterlib.node_group module

Group of methods for node operation.

class cardano_clusterlib.node_group.NodeGroup(clusterlib_obj: types.ClusterLib)[source]

Bases: object

gen_cold_key_pair_and_counter(node_name: str, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') cardano_clusterlib.structs.ColdKeyPair[source]

Generate a key pair for operator’s offline key and a new certificate issue counter.

  • node_name – A name of the node the key pair and the counter is generated for.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A tuple containing the key pair and the counter.

Return type


gen_kes_key_pair(node_name: str, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') cardano_clusterlib.structs.KeyPair[source]

Generate a key pair for a node KES operational key.

  • node_name – A name of the node the key pair is generated for.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A tuple containing the key pair.

Return type


gen_node_operational_cert(node_name: str, kes_vkey_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], cold_skey_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], cold_counter_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], kes_period: Optional[int] = None, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') pathlib.Path[source]

Generate a node operational certificate.

This certificate is used when starting the node and not submitted through a transaction.

  • node_name – A name of the node the certificate is generated for.

  • kes_vkey_file – A path to pool KES vkey file.

  • cold_skey_file – A path to pool cold skey file.

  • cold_counter_file – A path to pool cold counter file.

  • kes_period – A start KES period. The current KES period is used when not specified.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A path to the generated certificate.

Return type


gen_vrf_key_pair(node_name: str, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') cardano_clusterlib.structs.KeyPair[source]

Generate a key pair for a node VRF operational key.

  • node_name – A name of the node the key pair is generated for.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A tuple containing the key pair.

Return type


cardano_clusterlib.query_group module

Wrapper for cardano-cli for working with cardano cluster.

class cardano_clusterlib.query_group.QueryGroup(clusterlib_obj: types.ClusterLib)[source]

Bases: object

get_address_balance(address: str, coin: str = 'lovelace') int[source]

Get total balance of an address (sum of all UTxO balances).

  • address – A payment address string.

  • coin – A coin name (asset IDs).


A total balance.

Return type


get_address_deposit() int[source]

Return stake address deposit amount.

get_block_no() int[source]

Return block number of last block that was successfully applied to the ledger.

get_epoch() int[source]

Return epoch of last block that was successfully applied to the ledger.

get_epoch_slot_no() int[source]

Return slot number within a given epoch.

(of last block successfully applied to the ledger)

get_era() str[source]

Return network era.

get_kes_period() int[source]

Return last block KES period.

get_kes_period_info(opcert_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) Dict[str, Any][source]

Get information about the current KES period and node’s operational certificate.


opcert_file – A path to operational certificate.


A dictionary containing KES period information.

Return type


get_leadership_schedule(vrf_skey_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], stake_pool_vkey: str = '', cold_vkey_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, stake_pool_id: str = '', for_next: bool = False) List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.LeadershipSchedule][source]

Get the slots the node is expected to mint a block in.

  • vrf_skey_file – A path to node VRF skey file.

  • stake_pool_vkey – A pool cold vkey (Bech32 or hex-encoded, optional)

  • cold_vkey_file – A path to pool cold vkey file (optional).

  • stake_pool_id – An ID of the stake pool (Bech32 or hex-encoded, optional).

  • for_next – A bool indicating whether to get the leadership schedule for the following epoch (current epoch by default)


A list of structs.LeadershipSchedule, specifying

slot and time.

Return type


get_ledger_state() dict[source]

Return the current ledger state info.

get_mempool_info() Dict[str, Any][source]

Return info about the current mempool’s capacity and sizes.


A dictionary containing mempool information.

Return type


get_mempool_next_tx() Dict[str, Any][source]

Return info about the next transaction in the mempool’s current list.


A dictionary containing mempool information.

Return type


get_mempool_tx_exists(txid: str) Dict[str, Any][source]

Query if a particular transaction exists in the mempool.


txid – A transaction ID.


A dictionary containing mempool information.

Return type


get_pool_deposit() int[source]

Return stake pool deposit amount.

get_pool_params(stake_pool_id: str) cardano_clusterlib.structs.PoolParamsTop[source]

Return a pool parameters.


stake_pool_id – An ID of the stake pool (Bech32-encoded or hex-encoded).


A pool parameters.

Return type


get_pool_state(stake_pool_id: str) cardano_clusterlib.structs.PoolParamsTop[source]

Return a pool state.


stake_pool_id – An ID of the stake pool (Bech32-encoded or hex-encoded).


A pool parameters.

Return type


get_protocol_params() dict[source]

Return the current protocol parameters.

get_protocol_state() dict[source]

Return the current protocol state info.

get_registered_stake_pools_ledger_state() dict[source]

Return ledger state info for registered stake pools.

get_slot_no() int[source]

Return slot number of last block that was successfully applied to the ledger.

get_slot_number(timestamp: datetime.datetime) int[source]

Return slot number for UTC timestamp.

get_slots_to_epoch_end() int[source]

Return the number of slots left until the epoch end.

get_stake_addr_info(stake_addr: str) cardano_clusterlib.structs.StakeAddrInfo[source]

Return the current delegations and reward accounts filtered by stake address.


stake_addr – A stake address string.


A tuple containing stake address info.

Return type


get_stake_distribution() Dict[str, float][source]

Return current aggregated stake distribution per stake pool.

get_stake_pools() List[str][source]

Return the node’s current set of stake pool ids.

get_stake_snapshot(stake_pool_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, all_stake_pools: bool = False) Dict[str, Any][source]

Return the three stake snapshots, plus the total active stake.

  • stake_pool_ids – A list of stake pool IDs, Bech32-encoded or hex-encoded (optional).

  • all_stake_pools – A bool indicating whether to query for all stake pools (optional).


A stake snapshot data.

Return type


get_tip() Dict[str, Any][source]

Return current tip - last block successfully applied to the ledger.

get_utxo(address: Union[str, List[str]] = '', txin: Union[str, List[str]] = '', utxo: Union[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData, List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]] = (), tx_raw_output: Optional[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxRawOutput] = None, coins: Union[list, tuple, set, frozenset] = ()) List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData][source]

Return UTxO info for payment address.

  • address – Payment address(es).

  • txin – Transaction input(s) (TxId#TxIx).

  • utxo – Representation of UTxO data (structs.UTXOData).

  • tx_raw_output – A data used when building a transaction (structs.TxRawOutput).

  • coins – A list (iterable) of coin names (asset IDs, optional).


A list of UTxO data.

Return type


get_utxo_with_highest_amount(address: str, coin: str = 'lovelace') cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData[source]

Return data for UTxO with the highest amount.

  • address – A payment address string.

  • coin – A coin name (asset IDs).


An UTxO record with the highest amount.

Return type


query_cli(cli_args: Union[list, tuple, set, frozenset], cli_sub_args: Union[list, tuple, set, frozenset] = ()) str[source]

Run the cardano-cli query command.

save_ledger_state(state_name: str, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') pathlib.Path[source]

Save ledger state to file.

  • state_name – A name of the ledger state (can be epoch number, etc.).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing the state JSON file (optional).


A path to the generated state JSON file.

Return type


cardano_clusterlib.stake_address_group module

Group of methods for working with stake addresses.

class cardano_clusterlib.stake_address_group.StakeAddressGroup(clusterlib_obj: types.ClusterLib)[source]

Bases: object

gen_stake_addr(addr_name: str, stake_vkey_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, stake_script_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') str[source]

Generate a stake address.

  • addr_name – A name of payment address.

  • stake_vkey_file – A path to corresponding stake vkey file (optional).

  • stake_script_file – A path to corresponding payment script file (optional).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A generated stake address.

Return type


gen_stake_addr_and_keys(name: str, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') cardano_clusterlib.structs.AddressRecord[source]

Generate stake address and key pair.

  • name – A name of the address and key pair.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A tuple containing the address and key pair / script file.

Return type


gen_stake_addr_delegation_cert(addr_name: str, stake_vkey_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, stake_script_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, stake_address: Optional[str] = None, cold_vkey_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, stake_pool_id: str = '', destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') pathlib.Path[source]

Generate a stake address delegation certificate.

  • addr_name – A name of stake address.

  • stake_vkey_file – A path to corresponding stake vkey file (optional).

  • stake_script_file – A path to corresponding stake script file (optional).

  • stake_address – Stake address key, bech32 or hex-encoded (optional).

  • cold_vkey_file – A path to pool cold vkey file (optional).

  • stake_pool_id – An ID of the stake pool (optional).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A path to the generated certificate.

Return type


gen_stake_addr_deregistration_cert(addr_name: str, stake_vkey_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, stake_script_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, stake_address: Optional[str] = None, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') pathlib.Path[source]

Generate a stake address deregistration certificate.

  • addr_name – A name of stake address.

  • stake_vkey_file – A path to corresponding stake vkey file (optional).

  • stake_script_file – A path to corresponding stake script file (optional).

  • stake_address – Stake address key, bech32 or hex-encoded (optional).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A path to the generated certificate.

Return type


gen_stake_addr_registration_cert(addr_name: str, stake_vkey_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, stake_script_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, stake_address: Optional[str] = None, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') pathlib.Path[source]

Generate a stake address registration certificate.

  • addr_name – A name of stake address.

  • stake_vkey_file – A path to corresponding stake vkey file (optional).

  • stake_script_file – A path to corresponding stake script file (optional).

  • stake_address – Stake address key, bech32 or hex-encoded (optional).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A path to the generated certificate.

Return type


gen_stake_key_pair(key_name: str, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') cardano_clusterlib.structs.KeyPair[source]

Generate a stake address key pair.

  • key_name – A name of the key pair.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A tuple containing the key pair.

Return type


get_stake_vkey_hash(stake_vkey_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, stake_vkey: Optional[str] = None) str[source]

Return the hash of a stake address key.

  • stake_vkey_file – A path to stake vkey file (optional).

  • stake_vkey – A stake vkey (Bech32, optional).


A generated hash.

Return type


withdraw_reward(stake_addr_record: cardano_clusterlib.structs.AddressRecord, dst_addr_record: cardano_clusterlib.structs.AddressRecord, tx_name: str, verify: bool = True, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxRawOutput[source]

Withdraw reward to payment address.

  • stake_addr_record – An structs.AddressRecord tuple for the stake address with reward.

  • dst_addr_record – An structs.AddressRecord tuple for the destination payment address.

  • tx_name – A name of the transaction.

  • verify – A bool indicating whether to verify that the reward was transferred correctly.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).

cardano_clusterlib.stake_pool_group module

Group of methods for working with stake pools.

class cardano_clusterlib.stake_pool_group.StakePoolGroup(clusterlib_obj: types.ClusterLib)[source]

Bases: object

create_stake_pool(pool_data: cardano_clusterlib.structs.PoolData, pool_owners: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.PoolUser], tx_name: str, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') cardano_clusterlib.structs.PoolCreationOutput[source]

Create and register a stake pool.

  • pool_data – A structs.PoolData tuple containing info about the stake pool.

  • pool_owners – A list of structs.PoolUser structures containing pool user addresses and keys.

  • tx_name – A name of the transaction.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A tuple containing pool creation output.

Return type


deregister_stake_pool(pool_owners: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.PoolUser], cold_key_pair: cardano_clusterlib.structs.ColdKeyPair, epoch: int, pool_name: str, tx_name: str, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') Tuple[pathlib.Path, cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxRawOutput][source]

Deregister a stake pool.

  • pool_owners – A list of structs.PoolUser structures containing pool user addresses and keys.

  • cold_key_pair – A structs.ColdKeyPair tuple containing the key pair and the counter.

  • epoch – An epoch where the update proposal will take effect (optional).

  • pool_name – A name of the stake pool.

  • tx_name – A name of the transaction.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A tuple with pool registration cert file and

transaction output details.

Return type

Tuple[Path, structs.TxRawOutput]

gen_pool_deregistration_cert(pool_name: str, cold_vkey_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], epoch: int, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') pathlib.Path[source]

Generate a stake pool deregistration certificate.

  • pool_name – A name of the stake pool.

  • cold_vkey_file – A path to pool cold vkey file.

  • epoch – An epoch where the pool will be deregistered.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A path to the generated certificate.

Return type


gen_pool_metadata_hash(pool_metadata_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) str[source]

Generate the hash of pool metadata.


pool_metadata_file – A path to the pool metadata file.


A metadata hash.

Return type


gen_pool_registration_cert(pool_data: cardano_clusterlib.structs.PoolData, vrf_vkey_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], cold_vkey_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], owner_stake_vkey_files: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path]], reward_account_vkey_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') pathlib.Path[source]

Generate a stake pool registration certificate.

  • pool_data – A structs.PoolData tuple containing info about the stake pool.

  • vrf_vkey_file – A path to node VRF vkey file.

  • cold_vkey_file – A path to pool cold vkey file.

  • owner_stake_vkey_files – A list of paths to pool owner stake vkey files.

  • reward_account_vkey_file – A path to pool reward account vkey file (optional).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A path to the generated certificate.

Return type


get_stake_pool_id(cold_vkey_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) str[source]

Return pool ID from the offline key.


cold_vkey_file – A path to pool cold vkey file.


A pool ID.

Return type


register_stake_pool(pool_data: cardano_clusterlib.structs.PoolData, pool_owners: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.PoolUser], vrf_vkey_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], cold_key_pair: cardano_clusterlib.structs.ColdKeyPair, tx_name: str, reward_account_vkey_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, deposit: Optional[int] = None, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') Tuple[pathlib.Path, cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxRawOutput][source]

Register a stake pool.

  • pool_data – A structs.PoolData tuple containing info about the stake pool.

  • pool_owners – A list of structs.PoolUser structures containing pool user addresses and keys.

  • vrf_vkey_file – A path to node VRF vkey file.

  • cold_key_pair – A structs.ColdKeyPair tuple containing the key pair and the counter.

  • tx_name – A name of the transaction.

  • reward_account_vkey_file – A path to reward account vkey file (optional).

  • deposit – A deposit amount needed by the transaction (optional).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A tuple with pool registration cert file and

transaction output details.

Return type

Tuple[Path, structs.TxRawOutput]

cardano_clusterlib.structs module

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.AddressInfo(address, era, encoding, type, base16)[source]

Bases: tuple

address: str[source]

Alias for field number 0

base16: str[source]

Alias for field number 4

encoding: str[source]

Alias for field number 2

era: str[source]

Alias for field number 1

type: str[source]

Alias for field number 3

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.AddressRecord(address, vkey_file, skey_file)[source]

Bases: tuple

address: str[source]

Alias for field number 0

skey_file: pathlib.Path[source]

Alias for field number 2

vkey_file: pathlib.Path[source]

Alias for field number 1

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.CLIOut(stdout, stderr)[source]

Bases: tuple

stderr: bytes[source]

Alias for field number 1

stdout: bytes[source]

Alias for field number 0

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.ColdKeyPair(vkey_file, skey_file, counter_file)[source]

Bases: tuple

counter_file: pathlib.Path[source]

Alias for field number 2

skey_file: pathlib.Path[source]

Alias for field number 1

vkey_file: pathlib.Path[source]

Alias for field number 0

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.ComplexCert(certificate_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], script_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '', reference_txin: Optional[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData] = None, reference_type: str = '', collaterals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]] = (), execution_units: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, redeemer_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '', redeemer_cbor_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '', redeemer_value: str = '')[source]

Bases: tuple

Data structure for certificates with optional data for Plutus scripts.

If used for one certificate, it needs to be used for all the other certificates in a given transaction (instead of TxFiles.certificate_files). Otherwise, order of certificates cannot be guaranteed.

certificate_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 0

collaterals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 4

execution_units: Optional[Tuple[int, int]][source]

Alias for field number 5

redeemer_cbor_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 7

redeemer_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 6

redeemer_value: str[source]

Alias for field number 8

reference_txin: Optional[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData][source]

Alias for field number 2

reference_type: str[source]

Alias for field number 3

script_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 1

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.DataForBuild(txins, txouts, withdrawals, script_withdrawals)[source]

Bases: tuple

script_withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptWithdrawal], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 3

txins: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData][source]

Alias for field number 0

txouts: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut][source]

Alias for field number 1

withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 2

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.GenesisKeys(genesis_utxo_vkey, genesis_utxo_skey, genesis_vkeys, delegate_skeys)[source]

Bases: tuple

delegate_skeys: List[pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 3

genesis_utxo_skey: pathlib.Path[source]

Alias for field number 1

genesis_utxo_vkey: pathlib.Path[source]

Alias for field number 0

genesis_vkeys: List[pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 2

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.KeyPair(vkey_file, skey_file)[source]

Bases: tuple

skey_file: pathlib.Path[source]

Alias for field number 1

vkey_file: pathlib.Path[source]

Alias for field number 0

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.LeadershipSchedule(slot_no, utc_time)[source]

Bases: tuple

slot_no: int[source]

Alias for field number 0

utc_time: datetime.datetime[source]

Alias for field number 1

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.Mint(txouts, script_file, reference_txin, reference_type, policyid, collaterals, execution_units, redeemer_file, redeemer_cbor_file, redeemer_value)[source]

Bases: tuple

collaterals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 5

execution_units: Optional[Tuple[int, int]][source]

Alias for field number 6

policyid: str[source]

Alias for field number 4

redeemer_cbor_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 8

redeemer_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 7

redeemer_value: str[source]

Alias for field number 9

reference_txin: Optional[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData][source]

Alias for field number 2

reference_type: str[source]

Alias for field number 3

script_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 1

txouts: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut][source]

Alias for field number 0

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.PoolCreationOutput(stake_pool_id, vrf_key_pair, cold_key_pair, pool_reg_cert_file, pool_data, pool_owners, tx_raw_output, kes_key_pair)[source]

Bases: tuple

cold_key_pair: cardano_clusterlib.structs.ColdKeyPair[source]

Alias for field number 2

kes_key_pair: Optional[cardano_clusterlib.structs.KeyPair][source]

Alias for field number 7

pool_data: cardano_clusterlib.structs.PoolData[source]

Alias for field number 4

pool_owners: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.PoolUser][source]

Alias for field number 5

pool_reg_cert_file: pathlib.Path[source]

Alias for field number 3

stake_pool_id: str[source]

Alias for field number 0

tx_raw_output: cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxRawOutput[source]

Alias for field number 6

vrf_key_pair: cardano_clusterlib.structs.KeyPair[source]

Alias for field number 1

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.PoolData(pool_name, pool_pledge, pool_cost, pool_margin, pool_metadata_url, pool_metadata_hash, pool_relay_dns, pool_relay_ipv4, pool_relay_port)[source]

Bases: tuple

pool_cost: int[source]

Alias for field number 2

pool_margin: float[source]

Alias for field number 3

pool_metadata_hash: str[source]

Alias for field number 5

pool_metadata_url: str[source]

Alias for field number 4

pool_name: str[source]

Alias for field number 0

pool_pledge: int[source]

Alias for field number 1

pool_relay_dns: str[source]

Alias for field number 6

pool_relay_ipv4: str[source]

Alias for field number 7

pool_relay_port: int[source]

Alias for field number 8

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.PoolParamsTop(pool_params, future_pool_params, retiring)[source]

Bases: tuple

future_pool_params: dict[source]

Alias for field number 1

pool_params: dict[source]

Alias for field number 0

retiring: Optional[int][source]

Alias for field number 2

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.PoolUser(payment, stake)[source]

Bases: tuple

payment: cardano_clusterlib.structs.AddressRecord[source]

Alias for field number 0

stake: cardano_clusterlib.structs.AddressRecord[source]

Alias for field number 1

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptTxIn(txins: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], script_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '', reference_txin: Optional[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData] = None, reference_type: str = '', collaterals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]] = (), execution_units: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, datum_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '', datum_cbor_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '', datum_value: str = '', inline_datum_present: bool = False, redeemer_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '', redeemer_cbor_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '', redeemer_value: str = '')[source]

Bases: tuple

Data structure for Tx inputs that are combined with scripts (simple or Plutus).

collaterals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 4

datum_cbor_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 7

datum_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 6

datum_value: str[source]

Alias for field number 8

execution_units: Optional[Tuple[int, int]][source]

Alias for field number 5

inline_datum_present: bool[source]

Alias for field number 9

redeemer_cbor_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 11

redeemer_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 10

redeemer_value: str[source]

Alias for field number 12

reference_txin: Optional[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData][source]

Alias for field number 2

reference_type: str[source]

Alias for field number 3

script_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 1

txins: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData][source]

Alias for field number 0

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptWithdrawal(txout: cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut, script_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '', reference_txin: Optional[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData] = None, reference_type: str = '', collaterals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]] = (), execution_units: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, redeemer_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '', redeemer_cbor_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '', redeemer_value: str = '')[source]

Bases: tuple

Data structure for withdrawals that are combined with Plutus scripts.

collaterals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 4

execution_units: Optional[Tuple[int, int]][source]

Alias for field number 5

redeemer_cbor_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 7

redeemer_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 6

redeemer_value: str[source]

Alias for field number 8

reference_txin: Optional[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData][source]

Alias for field number 2

reference_type: str[source]

Alias for field number 3

script_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 1

txout: cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut[source]

Alias for field number 0

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.StakeAddrInfo(address, delegation, reward_account_balance)[source]

Bases: tuple

address: str[source]

Alias for field number 0

delegation: str[source]

Alias for field number 1

reward_account_balance: int[source]

Alias for field number 2

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxFiles(certificate_files, proposal_files, metadata_json_files, metadata_cbor_files, signing_key_files, auxiliary_script_files, metadata_json_detailed_schema)[source]

Bases: tuple

auxiliary_script_files: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 5

certificate_files: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 0

metadata_cbor_files: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 3

metadata_json_detailed_schema: bool[source]

Alias for field number 6

metadata_json_files: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 2

proposal_files: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 1

signing_key_files: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 4

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut(address, amount, coin, datum_hash, datum_hash_file, datum_hash_cbor_file, datum_hash_value, datum_embed_file, datum_embed_cbor_file, datum_embed_value, inline_datum_file, inline_datum_cbor_file, inline_datum_value, reference_script_file)[source]

Bases: tuple

address: str[source]

Alias for field number 0

amount: int[source]

Alias for field number 1

coin: str[source]

Alias for field number 2

datum_embed_cbor_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 8

datum_embed_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 7

datum_embed_value: str[source]

Alias for field number 9

datum_hash: str[source]

Alias for field number 3

datum_hash_cbor_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 5

datum_hash_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 4

datum_hash_value: str[source]

Alias for field number 6

inline_datum_cbor_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 11

inline_datum_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 10

inline_datum_value: str[source]

Alias for field number 12

reference_script_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Alias for field number 13

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxRawOutput(txins, txouts, txouts_count, tx_files, out_file, fee, build_args, era, script_txins, script_withdrawals, complex_certs, mint, invalid_hereafter, invalid_before, withdrawals, change_address, return_collateral_txouts, total_collateral_amount, readonly_reference_txins, script_valid, required_signers, required_signer_hashes, combined_reference_txins)[source]

Bases: tuple

build_args: List[str][source]

Alias for field number 6

change_address: str[source]

Alias for field number 15

combined_reference_txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 22

complex_certs: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ComplexCert], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 10

era: str[source]

Alias for field number 7

fee: int[source]

Alias for field number 5

invalid_before: Optional[int][source]

Alias for field number 13

invalid_hereafter: Optional[int][source]

Alias for field number 12

mint: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.Mint], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 11

out_file: pathlib.Path[source]

Alias for field number 4

readonly_reference_txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 18

required_signer_hashes: Union[List[str], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 21

required_signers: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 20

return_collateral_txouts: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 16

script_txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptTxIn], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 8

script_valid: bool[source]

Alias for field number 19

script_withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptWithdrawal], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 9

total_collateral_amount: Optional[int][source]

Alias for field number 17

tx_files: cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxFiles[source]

Alias for field number 3

txins: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData][source]

Alias for field number 0

txouts: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut][source]

Alias for field number 1

txouts_count: int[source]

Alias for field number 2

withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]][source]

Alias for field number 14

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData(utxo_hash, utxo_ix, amount, address, coin, decoded_coin, datum_hash, inline_datum_hash, inline_datum, reference_script)[source]

Bases: tuple

address: str[source]

Alias for field number 3

amount: int[source]

Alias for field number 2

coin: str[source]

Alias for field number 4

datum_hash: str[source]

Alias for field number 6

decoded_coin: str[source]

Alias for field number 5

inline_datum: Optional[Union[str, dict]][source]

Alias for field number 8

inline_datum_hash: str[source]

Alias for field number 7

reference_script: Optional[dict][source]

Alias for field number 9

utxo_hash: str[source]

Alias for field number 0

utxo_ix: int[source]

Alias for field number 1

class cardano_clusterlib.structs.Value(value, coin)[source]

Bases: tuple

coin: str[source]

Alias for field number 1

value: int[source]

Alias for field number 0

cardano_clusterlib.transaction_group module

Group of methods for working with transactions.

class cardano_clusterlib.transaction_group.TransactionGroup(clusterlib_obj: types.ClusterLib)[source]

Bases: object

assemble_tx(tx_body_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], witness_files: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path], Tuple[()]], tx_name: str, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') pathlib.Path[source]

Assemble a tx body and witness(es) to form a signed transaction.

  • tx_body_file – A path to file with transaction body.

  • witness_files – A list of paths to transaction witness files.

  • tx_name – A name of the transaction.

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A path to signed transaction file.

Return type


build_multisig_script(script_name: str, script_type_arg: str, payment_vkey_files: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path], Tuple[()]], required: int = 0, slot: int = 0, slot_type_arg: str = '', destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') pathlib.Path[source]

Build a multi-signature script.

  • script_name – A name of the script.

  • script_type_arg – A script type, see MultiSigTypeArgs.

  • payment_vkey_files – A list of paths to payment vkey files.

  • required – A number of required keys for the “atLeast” script type (optional).

  • slot – A slot that sets script validity, depending on value of slot_type_arg (optional).

  • slot_type_arg – A slot validity type, see MultiSlotTypeArgs (optional).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A path to the script file.

Return type


build_raw_tx(src_address: str, tx_name: str, txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]] = (), txouts: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), readonly_reference_txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]] = (), script_txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptTxIn], Tuple[()]] = (), return_collateral_txouts: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), total_collateral_amount: Optional[int] = None, mint: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.Mint], Tuple[()]] = (), tx_files: Optional[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxFiles] = None, complex_certs: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ComplexCert], Tuple[()]] = (), fee: int = 0, required_signers: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path], Tuple[()]] = (), required_signer_hashes: Optional[List[str]] = None, ttl: Optional[int] = None, withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), script_withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptWithdrawal], Tuple[()]] = (), deposit: Optional[int] = None, invalid_hereafter: Optional[int] = None, invalid_before: Optional[int] = None, join_txouts: bool = True, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxRawOutput[source]

Balance inputs and outputs and build a raw transaction.

  • src_address – An address used for fee and inputs (if inputs not specified by txins).

  • tx_name – A name of the transaction.

  • txins – An iterable of structs.UTXOData, specifying input UTxOs (optional).

  • txouts – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying transaction outputs (optional).

  • readonly_reference_txins – An iterable of structs.UTXOData, specifying input UTxOs to be referenced and used as readonly (optional).

  • script_txins – An iterable of ScriptTxIn, specifying input script UTxOs (optional).

  • return_collateral_txouts – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying transaction outputs for excess collateral (optional).

  • total_collateral_amount – An integer indicating the total amount of collateral (optional).

  • mint – An iterable of Mint, specifying script minting data (optional).

  • tx_files – A structs.TxFiles tuple containing files needed for the transaction (optional).

  • complex_certs – An iterable of ComplexCert, specifying certificates script data (optional).

  • fee – A fee amount (optional).

  • required_signers – An iterable of filepaths of the signing keys whose signatures are required (optional).

  • required_signer_hashes – A list of hashes of the signing keys whose signatures are required (optional).

  • ttl – A last block when the transaction is still valid (deprecated in favor of invalid_hereafter, optional).

  • withdrawals – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying reward withdrawals (optional).

  • script_withdrawals – An iterable of ScriptWithdrawal, specifying withdrawal script data (optional).

  • deposit – A deposit amount needed by the transaction (optional).

  • invalid_hereafter – A last block when the transaction is still valid (optional).

  • invalid_before – A first block when the transaction is valid (optional).

  • join_txouts – A bool indicating whether to aggregate transaction outputs by payment address (True by default).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A tuple with transaction output details.

Return type


build_raw_tx_bare(out_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], txouts: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], tx_files: cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxFiles, fee: int, txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]] = (), readonly_reference_txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]] = (), script_txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptTxIn], Tuple[()]] = (), return_collateral_txouts: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), total_collateral_amount: Optional[int] = None, mint: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.Mint], Tuple[()]] = (), complex_certs: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ComplexCert], Tuple[()]] = (), required_signers: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path], Tuple[()]] = (), required_signer_hashes: Optional[List[str]] = None, ttl: Optional[int] = None, withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), script_withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptWithdrawal], Tuple[()]] = (), invalid_hereafter: Optional[int] = None, invalid_before: Optional[int] = None, script_valid: bool = True, join_txouts: bool = True) cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxRawOutput[source]

Build a raw transaction.

  • out_file – An output file.

  • txouts – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying transaction outputs.

  • tx_files – A structs.TxFiles tuple containing files needed for the transaction.

  • fee – A fee amount.

  • txins – An iterable of structs.UTXOData, specifying input UTxOs (optional).

  • readonly_reference_txins – An iterable of structs.UTXOData, specifying input UTxOs to be referenced and used as readonly (optional).

  • script_txins – An iterable of ScriptTxIn, specifying input script UTxOs (optional).

  • return_collateral_txouts – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying transaction outputs for excess collateral (optional).

  • total_collateral_amount – An integer indicating the total amount of collateral (optional).

  • mint – An iterable of Mint, specifying script minting data (optional).

  • complex_certs – An iterable of ComplexCert, specifying certificates script data (optional).

  • required_signers – An iterable of filepaths of the signing keys whose signatures are required (optional).

  • required_signer_hashes – A list of hashes of the signing keys whose signatures are required (optional).

  • ttl – A last block when the transaction is still valid (deprecated in favor of invalid_hereafter, optional).

  • withdrawals – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying reward withdrawals (optional).

  • script_withdrawals – An iterable of ScriptWithdrawal, specifying withdrawal script data (optional).

  • invalid_hereafter – A last block when the transaction is still valid (optional).

  • invalid_before – A first block when the transaction is valid (optional).

  • script_valid – A bool indicating that the script is valid (True by default).

  • join_txouts – A bool indicating whether to aggregate transaction outputs by payment address (True by default).


A tuple with transaction output details.

Return type


build_tx(src_address: str, tx_name: str, txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]] = (), txouts: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), readonly_reference_txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]] = (), script_txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptTxIn], Tuple[()]] = (), return_collateral_txouts: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), total_collateral_amount: Optional[int] = None, mint: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.Mint], Tuple[()]] = (), tx_files: Optional[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxFiles] = None, complex_certs: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ComplexCert], Tuple[()]] = (), change_address: str = '', fee_buffer: Optional[int] = None, required_signers: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path], Tuple[()]] = (), required_signer_hashes: Optional[List[str]] = None, withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), script_withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptWithdrawal], Tuple[()]] = (), deposit: Optional[int] = None, invalid_hereafter: Optional[int] = None, invalid_before: Optional[int] = None, witness_override: Optional[int] = None, script_valid: bool = True, calc_script_cost_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, join_txouts: bool = True, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.', skip_asset_balancing: bool = False) cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxRawOutput[source]

Build a transaction.

  • src_address – An address used for fee and inputs (if inputs not specified by txins).

  • tx_name – A name of the transaction.

  • txins – An iterable of structs.UTXOData, specifying input UTxOs (optional).

  • txouts – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying transaction outputs (optional).

  • readonly_reference_txins – An iterable of structs.UTXOData, specifying input UTxOs to be referenced and used as readonly (optional).

  • script_txins – An iterable of ScriptTxIn, specifying input script UTxOs (optional).

  • return_collateral_txouts – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying transaction outputs for excess collateral (optional).

  • total_collateral_amount – An integer indicating the total amount of collateral (optional).

  • mint – An iterable of Mint, specifying script minting data (optional).

  • tx_files – A structs.TxFiles tuple containing files needed for the transaction (optional).

  • complex_certs – An iterable of ComplexCert, specifying certificates script data (optional).

  • change_address – A string with address where ADA in excess of the transaction fee will go to (src_address by default).

  • fee_buffer – A buffer for fee amount (optional).

  • required_signers – An iterable of filepaths of the signing keys whose signatures are required (optional).

  • required_signer_hashes – A list of hashes of the signing keys whose signatures are required (optional).

  • withdrawals – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying reward withdrawals (optional).

  • script_withdrawals – An iterable of ScriptWithdrawal, specifying withdrawal script data (optional).

  • deposit – A deposit amount needed by the transaction (optional).

  • invalid_hereafter – A last block when the transaction is still valid (optional).

  • invalid_before – A first block when the transaction is valid (optional).

  • witness_override – An integer indicating real number of witnesses. Can be used to fix fee calculation (optional).

  • script_valid – A bool indicating that the script is valid (True by default).

  • calc_script_cost_file – A path for output of the Plutus script cost information (optional).

  • join_txouts – A bool indicating whether to aggregate transaction outputs by payment address (True by default).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).

  • skip_asset_balancing – A bool indicating if assets balancing should be skipped (build command balance the assets automatically in newer versions).


A tuple with transaction output details.

Return type


calculate_min_req_utxo(txouts: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut]) cardano_clusterlib.structs.Value[source]

Calculate the minimum required UTxO for a single transaction output.


txouts – A list of TxOut records that correspond to a single transaction output (UTxO).


A tuple describing the value.

Return type


calculate_min_value(multi_assets: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut]) cardano_clusterlib.structs.Value[source]

Calculate the minimum value in for a transaction.

This was replaced by calculate_min_req_utxo for node 1.29.0+.


multi_assets – A list of TxOuts, specifying multi-assets.


A tuple describing the value.

Return type


calculate_plutus_script_cost(src_address: str, tx_name: str, txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]] = (), txouts: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), readonly_reference_txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]] = (), script_txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptTxIn], Tuple[()]] = (), return_collateral_txouts: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), total_collateral_amount: Optional[int] = None, mint: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.Mint], Tuple[()]] = (), tx_files: Optional[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxFiles] = None, complex_certs: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ComplexCert], Tuple[()]] = (), change_address: str = '', fee_buffer: Optional[int] = None, required_signers: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path], Tuple[()]] = (), required_signer_hashes: Optional[List[str]] = None, withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), script_withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptWithdrawal], Tuple[()]] = (), deposit: Optional[int] = None, invalid_hereafter: Optional[int] = None, invalid_before: Optional[int] = None, witness_override: Optional[int] = None, script_valid: bool = True, calc_script_cost_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, join_txouts: bool = True, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') List[dict][source]

Calculate cost of Plutus scripts. Accepts the same arguments as build_tx.

  • src_address – An address used for fee and inputs (if inputs not specified by txins).

  • tx_name – A name of the transaction.

  • txins – An iterable of structs.UTXOData, specifying input UTxOs (optional).

  • txouts – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying transaction outputs (optional).

  • readonly_reference_txins – An iterable of structs.UTXOData, specifying input UTxOs to be referenced and used as readonly (optional).

  • script_txins – An iterable of ScriptTxIn, specifying input script UTxOs (optional).

  • return_collateral_txouts – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying transaction outputs for excess collateral (optional).

  • total_collateral_amount – An integer indicating the total amount of collateral (optional).

  • mint – An iterable of Mint, specifying script minting data (optional).

  • tx_files – A structs.TxFiles tuple containing files needed for the transaction (optional).

  • complex_certs – An iterable of ComplexCert, specifying certificates script data (optional).

  • change_address – A string with address where ADA in excess of the transaction fee will go to (src_address by default).

  • fee_buffer – A buffer for fee amount (optional).

  • required_signers – An iterable of filepaths of the signing keys whose signatures are required (optional).

  • required_signer_hashes – A list of hashes of the signing keys whose signatures are required (optional).

  • withdrawals – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying reward withdrawals (optional).

  • script_withdrawals – An iterable of ScriptWithdrawal, specifying withdrawal script data (optional).

  • deposit – A deposit amount needed by the transaction (optional).

  • invalid_hereafter – A last block when the transaction is still valid (optional).

  • invalid_before – A first block when the transaction is valid (optional).

  • witness_override – An integer indicating real number of witnesses. Can be used to fix fee calculation (optional).

  • script_valid – A bool indicating that the script is valid (True by default).

  • calc_script_cost_file – A path for output of the Plutus script cost information (optional).

  • join_txouts – A bool indicating whether to aggregate transaction outputs by payment address (True by default).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A Plutus scripts cost data.

Return type


calculate_tx_fee(src_address: str, tx_name: str, dst_addresses: Optional[List[str]] = None, txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]] = (), txouts: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), readonly_reference_txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]] = (), script_txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptTxIn], Tuple[()]] = (), return_collateral_txouts: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), total_collateral_amount: Optional[int] = None, mint: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.Mint], Tuple[()]] = (), tx_files: Optional[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxFiles] = None, complex_certs: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ComplexCert], Tuple[()]] = (), required_signers: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path], Tuple[()]] = (), required_signer_hashes: Optional[List[str]] = None, ttl: Optional[int] = None, withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), script_withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptWithdrawal], Tuple[()]] = (), invalid_hereafter: Optional[int] = None, invalid_before: Optional[int] = None, witness_count_add: int = 0, join_txouts: bool = True, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') int[source]

Build “dummy” transaction and calculate (estimate) its fee.

  • src_address – An address used for fee and inputs (if inputs not specified by txins).

  • tx_name – A name of the transaction.

  • dst_addresses – A list of destination addresses (optional)

  • txins – An iterable of structs.UTXOData, specifying input UTxOs (optional).

  • txouts – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying transaction outputs (optional).

  • readonly_reference_txins – An iterable of structs.UTXOData, specifying input UTxOs to be referenced and used as readonly (optional).

  • script_txins – An iterable of ScriptTxIn, specifying input script UTxOs (optional).

  • return_collateral_txouts – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying transaction outputs for excess collateral (optional).

  • total_collateral_amount – An integer indicating the total amount of collateral (optional).

  • mint – An iterable of Mint, specifying script minting data (optional).

  • tx_files – A structs.TxFiles tuple containing files needed for the transaction (optional).

  • complex_certs – An iterable of ComplexCert, specifying certificates script data (optional).

  • required_signers – An iterable of filepaths of the signing keys whose signatures are required (optional).

  • required_signer_hashes – A list of hashes of the signing keys whose signatures are required (optional).

  • ttl – A last block when the transaction is still valid (deprecated in favor of invalid_hereafter, optional).

  • withdrawals – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying reward withdrawals (optional).

  • script_withdrawals – An iterable of ScriptWithdrawal, specifying withdrawal script data (optional).

  • invalid_hereafter – A last block when the transaction is still valid (optional).

  • invalid_before – A first block when the transaction is valid (optional).

  • witness_count_add – A number of witnesses to add - workaround to make the fee calculation more precise.

  • join_txouts – A bool indicating whether to aggregate transaction outputs by payment address (True by default).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


An estimated fee.

Return type


calculate_tx_ttl() int[source]

Calculate ttl for a transaction.

estimate_fee(txbody_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], txin_count: int, txout_count: int, witness_count: int = 1, byron_witness_count: int = 0) int[source]

Estimate the minimum fee for a transaction.

  • txbody_file – A path to file with transaction body.

  • txin_count – A number of transaction inputs.

  • txout_count – A number of transaction outputs.

  • witness_count – A number of witnesses (optional).

  • byron_witness_count – A number of Byron witnesses (optional).


An estimated fee.

Return type


get_hash_script_data(script_data_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, script_data_cbor_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, script_data_value: str = '') str[source]

Return the hash of script data.

  • script_data_file – A path to the JSON file containing the script data (optional).

  • script_data_cbor_file – A path to the CBOR file containing the script data (optional).

  • script_data_value – A value (in JSON syntax) for the script data (optional).


A hash of script data.

Return type


get_policyid(script_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) str[source]

Calculate the PolicyId from the monetary policy script.


script_file – A path to the script file.


A script policyId.

Return type


get_tx_deposit(tx_files: cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxFiles) int[source]

Get deposit amount for a transaction (based on certificates used for the TX).


tx_files – A structs.TxFiles tuple containing files needed for the transaction.


A total deposit amount needed for the transaction.

Return type


get_txid(tx_body_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '', tx_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '') str[source]

Return the transaction identifier.

  • tx_body_file – A path to the transaction body file (JSON TxBody - optional).

  • tx_file – A path to the signed transaction file (JSON Tx - optional).


A transaction ID.

Return type


send_funds(src_address: str, destinations: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], tx_name: str, tx_files: Optional[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxFiles] = None, fee: Optional[int] = None, ttl: Optional[int] = None, deposit: Optional[int] = None, invalid_hereafter: Optional[int] = None, verify_tx: bool = True, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxRawOutput[source]

Send funds - convenience function for send_tx.

  • src_address – An address used for fee and inputs.

  • destinations – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying transaction outputs.

  • tx_name – A name of the transaction.

  • tx_files – A structs.TxFiles tuple containing files needed for the transaction (optional).

  • fee – A fee amount (optional).

  • ttl – A last block when the transaction is still valid (deprecated in favor of invalid_hereafter, optional).

  • deposit – A deposit amount needed by the transaction (optional).

  • invalid_hereafter – A last block when the transaction is still valid (optional).

  • verify_tx – A bool indicating whether to verify the transaction made it to chain and resubmit the transaction if not (True by default).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A tuple with transaction output details.

Return type


send_tx(src_address: str, tx_name: str, txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]] = (), txouts: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), readonly_reference_txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]] = (), script_txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptTxIn], Tuple[()]] = (), return_collateral_txouts: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), total_collateral_amount: Optional[int] = None, mint: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.Mint], Tuple[()]] = (), tx_files: Optional[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxFiles] = None, complex_certs: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ComplexCert], Tuple[()]] = (), fee: Optional[int] = None, required_signers: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path], Tuple[()]] = (), required_signer_hashes: Optional[List[str]] = None, ttl: Optional[int] = None, withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), script_withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptWithdrawal], Tuple[()]] = (), deposit: Optional[int] = None, invalid_hereafter: Optional[int] = None, invalid_before: Optional[int] = None, witness_count_add: int = 0, join_txouts: bool = True, verify_tx: bool = True, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxRawOutput[source]

Build, Sign and Submit a transaction.

Not recommended for complex transactions that involve Plutus scripts!

This function uses cardano-cli transaction build-raw to build the transaction. For more complex transactions that involve Plutus scripts, consider using build_tx. The build_tx uses cardano-cli transaction build and handles execution units and collateral return automatically.

  • src_address – An address used for fee and inputs (if inputs not specified by txins).

  • tx_name – A name of the transaction.

  • txins – An iterable of structs.UTXOData, specifying input UTxOs (optional).

  • txouts – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying transaction outputs (optional).

  • readonly_reference_txins – An iterable of structs.UTXOData, specifying input UTxOs to be referenced and used as readonly (optional).

  • script_txins – An iterable of ScriptTxIn, specifying input script UTxOs (optional).

  • return_collateral_txouts – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying transaction outputs for excess collateral (optional).

  • total_collateral_amount – An integer indicating the total amount of collateral (optional).

  • mint – An iterable of Mint, specifying script minting data (optional).

  • tx_files – A structs.TxFiles tuple containing files needed for the transaction (optional).

  • complex_certs – An iterable of ComplexCert, specifying certificates script data (optional).

  • fee – A fee amount (optional).

  • required_signers – An iterable of filepaths of the signing keys whose signatures are required (optional).

  • required_signer_hashes – A list of hashes of the signing keys whose signatures are required (optional).

  • ttl – A last block when the transaction is still valid (deprecated in favor of invalid_hereafter, optional).

  • withdrawals – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying reward withdrawals (optional).

  • script_withdrawals – An iterable of ScriptWithdrawal, specifying withdrawal script data (optional).

  • deposit – A deposit amount needed by the transaction (optional).

  • invalid_hereafter – A last block when the transaction is still valid (optional).

  • invalid_before – A first block when the transaction is valid (optional).

  • witness_count_add – A number of witnesses to add - workaround to make the fee calculation more precise.

  • join_txouts – A bool indicating whether to aggregate transaction outputs by payment address (True by default).

  • verify_tx – A bool indicating whether to verify the transaction made it to chain and resubmit the transaction if not (True by default).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A tuple with transaction output details.

Return type


sign_tx(signing_key_files: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path], Tuple[()]], tx_name: str, tx_body_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, tx_file: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') pathlib.Path[source]

Sign a transaction.

  • signing_key_files – A list of paths to signing key files.

  • tx_name – A name of the transaction.

  • tx_body_file – A path to file with transaction body (optional).

  • tx_file – A path to file with transaction (for incremental signing, optional).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A path to signed transaction file.

Return type


submit_tx(tx_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], txins: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], wait_blocks: int = 2) None[source]

Submit a transaction, resubmit if the transaction didn’t make it to the chain.

  • tx_file – A path to signed transaction file.

  • txins – An iterable of structs.UTXOData, specifying input UTxOs.

  • wait_blocks – A number of new blocks to wait for (default = 2).

submit_tx_bare(tx_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) None[source]

Submit a transaction, don’t do any verification that it made it to the chain.


tx_file – A path to signed transaction file.

view_tx(tx_body_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '', tx_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '') str[source]

View a transaction.

  • tx_body_file – A path to the transaction body file (JSON TxBody - optional).

  • tx_file – A path to the signed transaction file (JSON Tx - optional).


A transaction.

Return type


witness_tx(tx_body_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], witness_name: str, signing_key_files: Union[List[str], List[pathlib.Path], Set[str], Set[pathlib.Path], Tuple[()]] = (), destination_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.') pathlib.Path[source]

Create a transaction witness.

  • tx_body_file – A path to file with transaction body.

  • witness_name – A name of the transaction witness.

  • signing_key_files – A list of paths to signing key files (optional).

  • destination_dir – A path to directory for storing artifacts (optional).


A path to transaction witness file.

Return type


cardano_clusterlib.txtools module

Tools used by ClusterLib for constructing transactions.

cardano_clusterlib.txtools.calculate_utxos_balance(utxos: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut]], coin: str = 'lovelace') int[source]

Calculate sum of UTxO balances.

  • utxos – A list of UTxO data (either structs.UTXOData or structs.TxOut).

  • coin – A coin name (asset IDs).


A total balance.

Return type


cardano_clusterlib.txtools.collect_data_for_build(clusterlib_obj: types.ClusterLib, src_address: str, txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], Tuple[()]] = (), txouts: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), script_txins: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptTxIn], Tuple[()]] = (), mint: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.Mint], Tuple[()]] = (), tx_files: Optional[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxFiles] = None, complex_certs: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ComplexCert], Tuple[()]] = (), fee: int = 0, withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut], Tuple[()]] = (), script_withdrawals: Union[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.ScriptWithdrawal], Tuple[()]] = (), deposit: Optional[int] = None, lovelace_balanced: bool = False, skip_asset_balancing: bool = False) cardano_clusterlib.structs.DataForBuild[source]

Collect data (txins, txouts, withdrawals) needed for building a transaction.

  • clusterlib_obj – An instance of ClusterLib.

  • src_address – An address used for fee and inputs (if inputs not specified by txins).

  • txins – An iterable of structs.UTXOData, specifying input UTxOs (optional).

  • txouts – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying transaction outputs (optional).

  • script_txins – An iterable of ScriptTxIn, specifying input script UTxOs (optional).

  • mint – An iterable of Mint, specifying script minting data (optional).

  • tx_files – A structs.TxFiles tuple containing files needed for the transaction (optional).

  • complex_certs – An iterable of ComplexCert, specifying certificates script data (optional).

  • fee – A fee amount (optional).

  • withdrawals – A list (iterable) of TxOuts, specifying reward withdrawals (optional).

  • script_withdrawals – An iterable of ScriptWithdrawal, specifying withdrawal script data (optional).

  • deposit – A deposit amount needed by the transaction (optional).

  • lovelace_balanced – A bool indicating whether Lovelace ins/outs are balanced (by build command).

  • skip_asset_balancing – A bool indicating if assets balancing should be skipped (build command balance the assets automatically in newer versions).


A tuple with data for build(-raw) commands.

Return type


cardano_clusterlib.txtools.filter_utxo_with_highest_amount(utxos: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], coin: str = 'lovelace') cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData[source]

Return data for UTxO with the highest amount.

  • utxos – A list of UTxO data.

  • coin – A coin name (asset IDs).


An UTxO record with the highest amount.

Return type


cardano_clusterlib.txtools.filter_utxos(utxos: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData], utxo_hash: str = '', utxo_ix: Optional[int] = None, amount: Optional[int] = None, address: str = '', coin: str = '', datum_hash: str = '', inline_datum_hash: str = '') List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData][source]

Get UTxO records that match given filtering criteria.

  • utxos – A list of UTxO data.

  • utxo_hash – A transaction identifier (optional).

  • utxo_ix – A UTxO index (optional).

  • amount – An amount of coin (optional).

  • address – A payment address (optional).

  • coin – A coin name (asset ID; optional).

  • datum_hash – A datum hash (optional).

  • inline_datum_hash – An inline datum hash (optional).


UTxO records that match given filtering criteria.

Return type


cardano_clusterlib.txtools.get_joined_txouts(txouts: List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut]) List[List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.TxOut]][source]

Return list of joined `TxOut`s.

cardano_clusterlib.txtools.get_utxo(utxo_dict: dict, address: str = '', coins: Union[list, tuple, set, frozenset] = ()) List[cardano_clusterlib.structs.UTXOData][source]

Return UTxO info for payment address.

  • utxo_dict – A JSON output of query utxo.

  • address – A payment address.

  • coins – A list (iterable) of coin names (asset IDs).


A list of UTxO data.

Return type


cardano_clusterlib.types module

Module contents


exception cardano_clusterlib.CLIError[source]

Bases: Exception

class cardano_clusterlib.ClusterLib(state_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path], protocol: str = 'cardano', tx_era: str = '', slots_offset: int = 0, socket_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '')[source]

Bases: object

Methods for working with cardano cluster using cardano-cli..


A directory with cluster state files (keys, config files, logs, …).


A cluster protocol - full cardano mode by default.


An era used for transactions, by default same as network Era.


Difference in slots between cluster’s start era and current era (e.g. Byron->Mary)


A path to socket file for communication with the node. This overrides the CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH environment variable.

cli(cli_args: List[str], timeout: Optional[float] = None) cardano_clusterlib.structs.CLIOut[source]

Run the cardano-cli command.

  • cli_args – A list of arguments for cardano-cli.

  • timeout – A timeout for the command, in seconds (optional).


A tuple containing command stdout and stderr.

Return type


create_pparams_file() None[source]

Create protocol parameters file if it doesn’t exist.

property g_address: cardano_clusterlib.address_group.AddressGroup[source]

Address group.

property g_genesis: cardano_clusterlib.genesis_group.GenesisGroup[source]

Genesis group.

property g_governance: cardano_clusterlib.governance_group.GovernanceGroup[source]

Governance group.

property g_key: cardano_clusterlib.key_group.KeyGroup[source]

Key group.

property g_node: cardano_clusterlib.node_group.NodeGroup[source]

Node group.

property g_query: cardano_clusterlib.query_group.QueryGroup[source]

Query group.

property g_stake_address: cardano_clusterlib.stake_address_group.StakeAddressGroup[source]

Stake address group.

property g_stake_pool: cardano_clusterlib.stake_pool_group.StakePoolGroup[source]

Stake pool group.

property g_transaction: cardano_clusterlib.transaction_group.TransactionGroup[source]

Transaction group.

poll_new_epoch(exp_epoch: int, padding_seconds: int = 0) None[source]

Wait for new epoch(s) by polling current epoch every 3 sec.

Can be used only for waiting up to 3000 sec + padding seconds.

  • exp_epoch – An epoch number to wait for.

  • padding_seconds – A number of additional seconds to wait for (optional).

refresh_pparams_file() None[source]

Refresh protocol parameters file.

set_socket_path(socket_path: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]]) None[source]

Set a path to socket file for communication with the node.

time_from_epoch_start(tip: Optional[dict] = None) float[source]

How many seconds passed from start of the current epoch.

time_to_epoch_end(tip: Optional[dict] = None) float[source]

How many seconds to go to start of a new epoch.

wait_for_block(block: int) int[source]

Wait for block number.


block – A block number to wait for.


A block number of last added block.

Return type


wait_for_new_block(new_blocks: int = 1) int[source]

Wait for new block(s) to be created.


new_blocks – A number of new blocks to wait for (optional).


A block number of last added block.

Return type


wait_for_new_epoch(new_epochs: int = 1, padding_seconds: int = 0) int[source]

Wait for new epoch(s).

  • new_epochs – A number of new epochs to wait for (optional).

  • padding_seconds – A number of additional seconds to wait for (optional).


The current epoch.

Return type


wait_for_slot(slot: int) int[source]

Wait for slot number.


slot – A slot number to wait for.


A slot number of last block.

Return type
